
Renzenbrink & Partner’s leading position and the individual expertise of its lawyers have been recognized in all renowned rankings for years.

An overview of the awards can be found here:

“The Hamburg law firm impresses with its in-depth and extensive transaction law expertise, which often also includes tax law elements.”

“In particular, the private equity practice driven by the name partner is in demand in the smaller and medium-sized deal segment and regularly advises numerous investors.”

“The Hamburg M&A team has a very good reputation for quality and transaction management.”

Recommended are

Dr. Ulf Renzenbrink: “impressive transaction experience and personality, outstanding expertise”, “excellent negotiator with commercial flair”, “has skillfully led the M&A boutique to the top”, competitor; M&A/private equity

Dr. Lars Kirschner: “goal-oriented, objective, competent, pleasant negotiating partner”, competitor; company wealth

Marc-Holger Kotyrba: “excellent tax lawyer with extensive real estate experience”, competitor; tax law

Dr. Andreas Stoll: “fair and competent corporate lawyer”, competitor

Dr. Dennis Schlottmann: “very good and confident”, “collegial and professionally qualified negotiations”, competitor

Dr. Niels Maier: “professionally very good and focused, strong in negotiations”, competitor

Dr. Ulf Renzenbrink, Partner, Hamburg, Dr. Lars Kirschner, Partner, Dr. Andreas Stoll, Partner, Hamburg and Isabell Hitzer, Partner, Munich are among the “Best Lawyers” in the areas of Private Equity, M&A, Corporate Law, Venture Capital and Litigation as well as Banking and Finance Law.

Dr. Bernd Egbers, Partner, Munich, is named “Lawyer of the Year 2022” for Banking and Finance Law.

Many thanks to all colleagues who recommended us in the survey and to all members of the firm who contributed to this success.