Renzenbrink & Partner advises shareholders of Overdick GmbH & Co. KG on the sale of a majority stake to Lahmeyer International

The shareholders of Overdick GmbH & Co KG (Hamburg) have sold a majority stake in the company to Lahmeyer International GmbH. As part of the transaction, the company was converted to the legal form of a GmbH and will in future trade as Tractebel Overdick GmbH. Four of the previous six Overdick shareholders will continue to hold shares in the company.

Since its foundation in 2000, Overdick has developed into one of the leading specialists for modern development, maintenance and inspection services in offshore technology. The company offers a wide range of services for offshore wind, oil and gas, shipbuilding, marine operations and salvage. For example, Overdick engineers are responsible for the overall construction of most of the HVDC platforms in the German North Sea. The company has also made a name for itself with the Costa Concordia wreck salvage project off the coast of Giglio in Italy.

As a leading international engineering company, Lahmeyer International offers a wide range of planning and consulting services. Its services focus on complex infrastructure projects in the fields of energy, water and hydropower. Since December 2014, Lahmeyer has been part of Tractebel Engineering and is therefore part of the former GDF SUEZ Group – now ENGIE.

Renzenbrink & Partner advised the shareholders of Overdick GmbH & Co. KG comprehensively on all (tax) legal aspects of the sale, the transformation of the company and the future structure of the shareholder relationship. The Renzenbrink & Partner team consisted of partners Dr. Dennis Schlottmann (Corporate/M&A) and Marc H. Kotyrba (Tax) as well as associate Dr. Alexander Haunschild (Corporate/M&A).