Dr. Alexander Haunschild


Dr. Alexander Haunschild

Alexander has been an associate in the Hamburg office of Renzenbrink & Partner since 2017 and is a member of the Corporate practice group. He mainly advises medium-sized companies, national and international financial investors, start-ups and managing directors on company acquisitions and sales, financing rounds and general corporate law issues.

further details

Lawyer, 2017

First State Examination in Law, University of Passau, 2012
Second State Examination in Law, Higher Regional Court of Schleswig, 2014
Dr. jur., Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, 2018

Die Abdingbarkeit der Treuepflicht im Gesellschaftsrecht, Peter Lang, 2018

Awards and rankings

Doctoral scholarship from the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.

current projects