Renzenbrink & Partner advises Körber on VC investment in Magazino
27. February 2018The international technology group Körber is investing in the Munich-based robotics start-up Magazino as part of a financing round. Körber is the lead investor alongside other investors.
Magazino GmbH, founded in 2014, develops and produces perception-controlled, mobile picking robots that fully automate the movement of unit loads in intralogistics. The start-up’s technology solutions enable dynamic warehousing and order picking as well as intelligent material planning in e-commerce and on assembly lines. Magazino closes one of the key gaps in the automation of logistics processes with piece-by-piece access to individual items. At the heart of this is the software that enables the robots to act in a perception-controlled manner in environments made for humans using 2D and 3D cameras. With around 80 employees, Magazino has one of the largest teams for perception-controlled robotics in Europe.
With this investment, Körber is once again underlining its focus on future technologies. The investment also strengthens the digitalization initiatives in the Group’s Business Area Logistics Systems.
Körber AG, based in Hamburg, is the holding company of an international technology group with around 11,500 employees worldwide. The Group unites technologically leading companies with more than 130 production, service and sales companies.
Renzenbrink & Partner advised Körber AG comprehensively on all aspects of the investment in Magazino. The Renzenbrink & Partner team consisted of partners Dr. Dennis Schlottmann (Corporate/Venture Capital) and Marc H. Kotyrba(Tax).
Renzenbrink & Partner worked together with the Hamburg law firm KNPZ Rechtsanwälte – Klawitter Neben Plath Zintler – on IP/IT law issues.