Interview with Antonia Neumerkel
Why did you decide to start your career at Renzenbrink & Partner?
I first started at a large law firm and although all the general conditions were right “on paper”, I didn’t really settle into my professional life. In a phone call, I told my headhunter that I missed learning new things. Her first idea was immediately Renzenbrink & Partner.
My day-to-day work is now varied, challenging and enriching. The partners are among the best in their field. They are my contacts. They explain the annexes to the purchase agreement to me in detail so that I’m well prepared for the notary appointment the next morning. When I get a new client, a partner explains their business model to me, including the opportunities and risks, so that I understand what the client is concerned about. If I have an idea in a legal dispute, we use it to expand our line of argument. I see this close cooperation as training and appreciation.
What is special about Renzenbrink & Partner?
The partners love to explain things and are interested in the associates’ careers.
They place a lot of trust in the associates and do not assign specific tasks from a project to associates so that they can “work through” them, but rather assign entire “blocks” that require their own management.
Added to this is the respectful interaction and the friendly, collegial relationship between employees.
What does the day-to-day work in corporate litigation/arbitration look like for a young professional?
A new major mandate begins with a team meeting and brainstorming on the whiteboard. The partner records the case, explains the facts and explains the client’s objective. Everyone then shares their ideas. We examine the facts of the case and – if necessary – clarify them further in consultation with the client. On this basis, we develop a line of argument and draft the pleading or submit proposals for a settlement or avoidance of the legal dispute.
How are young lawyers supported by Renzenbrink & Partner?
Renzenbrink & Partner supports the rapid development of expertise through close partner ties and active involvement in a large number of mandates. Doctorates, the acquisition of an LL.M. or specialist lawyer title and training as a tax consultant are also supported.
There are various time models to choose from for a doctorate, for example part-time or in a so-called “sabbatical year”.
The acquisition of the specialist lawyer title or the tax consultant title takes place alongside work and during periods of leave.
To build up and deepen expertise, a weekly training event is held to impart knowledge on new developments, current case law and basic topics. External seminars and training events are offered every month. In day-to-day business, each partner is available as a trainer and specialist in his or her field of law. In addition to their specialist knowledge, they teach associates how to present themselves convincingly in court, develop strategies, lead (telephone) conferences, correctly assess risks and make recommendations for action.
What qualifications or prior knowledge should a career starter in Corporate have?
Solid understanding of the law, good knowledge of civil law, good command of English, sporting ambition.
What is the most exciting, unforgettable, funny or thrilling thing that has happened to you in your day-to-day work?
After eight weeks at Renzenbrink & Partner, I was asked to take over the vacation replacement for a partner. The phone was ringing off the hook. The walls in my office were papered with to-do’s. Although I was confronted with questions almost every day that I couldn’t answer from my wealth of experience, I felt safe because all the partners knew what was going on and were ready to help me.
What is the best thing about working at Renzenbrink & Partner?
The “complete package”, as you don’t have to do without anything. The tasks, the mandates and the training are demanding and of the highest standard. The working atmosphere is respectful, professional and friendly. The partners take the associates seriously and offer them additional training courses to support them in their further development.
What restrictions does the job entail?
The working hours are the same as in any large law firm.
What is your balance to everyday office life?
Making music, sport and spending time with the family.
Which three terms do you associate with the word Jura?
Paragraphs, “hauling books” and perseverance.
You are planning a law-free weekend on a desert island and are allowed to take three things with you. What would they be?
Diving goggles, snorkel and a piano.
What tip would you like to give every young lawyer?
You can only be satisfied in the long term if you really enjoy your job as a consultant and share this joy with your colleagues. For me, this also means that the partners encourage me and involve me seriously, but also give me the freedom to develop my own style.

Antonia Neumerkel, Associate