Renzenbrink & Partner advises Blue Cap AG on the financing of the acquisition of a majority stake in Transline Gruppe GmbH

Blue Cap AG has acquired a qualified majority stake of 74% in Transline Gruppe GmbH and its five operating subsidiaries for a purchase price in the lower third of the double-digit million range. The seller is the Lead Equities Group from Austria. Kreissparkasse Esslingen-Nürtingen is providing the financing for the purchase price and for the Transline Group.

Transline is one of the largest German translation service providers. The company employs more than 100 people at a total of 6 locations and works with around 5,000 specialist translators worldwide.

The Renzenbrink & Partner team, led by Dr. Bernd Egbers (Partner), consisted of Philipp Hogrefe (Senior Associate) and Zacharias Woltering-Schlenker (Transaction Analyst) (all Finance).

Ebner Stolz supported Blue Cap with a financial and tax due diligence.